How to increase your Instagram engagement


Are you struggling to have time to engage on your social media channels?

Join the club.

Many small businesses just don’t have enough time to answer those DMs and comment on other people’s posts.

It’s a struggle creating content for all your social media channels, never mind having to spend time engaging with the right people. Or even trying to find the right people to begin with.

So, what if you could increase your engagement on Instagram by spending just 45 minutes a day on it?


Why you need to engage on Instagram

Two out of three people believe Instagram enables interaction with brands, which means they expect a more personalised approach and expect to be able to engage with you.

If you don’t reply to their messages quickly enough, they’ll go to your competitor instead.

If you don’t engage on other people’s posts then your reach will be smaller, and less people will know about your business.

Social media platforms are all about engaging. If you don’t take the time to engage, you are losing out on customers.


Can you increase Instagram engagement in 45 mins a day?

It’s possible.

You could break your Instagram engagement tasks into time blocks and stick to them.

It could look something like this:

·      10 minutes to engage with big companies

·      10 minutes to engage with small accounts

·      10 mins engaging through hashtags

·      5 minutes to answer messages

·      5 mins engaging with IG stories

·      5 minutes to reply to comments

= 45 minutes

Pros of 45 min a day engagement strategy

·      Saves you time by being organised

·      Frees up your time (or your staffs) for other tasks

·      It helps grow your audience in less than an hour a day.


Cons of 45 min a day engagement strategy

  • Rushing engagement can lead to insincere comments or making mistakes when replying to DMs.

  • To spend 45 minutes a day on engagement, you need to do your research. What big accounts are you going to engage with? Whose posts should you comment on?

  • You need to create authentic comments not just vague statements that contribute little.


What’s the Solution?

While a 45 min a day Instagram engagement strategy will probably help you to a certain extent, doing it in the least amount of time possible isn’t your priority.

Getting results from engagement should be your priority.

And that takes the right team.

Rushing your engagement can lead to wasted time engaging with the wrong people or making vague statements instead of providing value.

You want people who know what they’re doing, not people who are going to rush your social media strategy and put your reputation at risk.

Professionals will identify trends in your industry, keep on top of the latest news, and know who to engage with to increase your engagement.

You want a team who will support you and help your business grow and spending 45 minutes a day on engaging, isn’t going to get you there.

Yes, we all want to save time and money, but if you want those results, you need to invest either your time or money to do things right.

The result of your engagement is what’s important and having the right team behind you is vital.

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