LinkedIn Strategy & Advertising


As a specialist social media agency, we know how important LinkedIn is to your marketing strategy. Particularly in the B2B sector.

Our LinkedIn advertising allows us to reach more professionals by using this social media marketing channel to its greatest potential. With a wealth of opportunities for advertising and the ability to connect with a specific audience, we are able to reach a higher proportion of professionals, business executives, CEOs and key prospects. 

Maximising LinkedIn advertising for a professional audience to get results for our clients

We make the best use of this platform, which is primarily for B2B brands; however it can be successful for B2C as well. LinkedIn advertising involves delivering Sponsored Updates to the right professionals in the right industry at a time they are focusing on work challenges.  Our team selects from key LinkedIn products to deliver objectives including InMail campaigns and Text ads. We’ve been successful at creating specific job ads and securing opportunities through strategic targeting of suitable candidates. Our social ads can also be used to provide recruitment opportunities on LinkedIn. Users can apply through their profile and get job information at a click. We are successful at using LinkedIn ads to reach the most ideal customers on a vast professional network and obtain top results. Using different LinkedIn ad formats lets us reach a wide variety of objectives, including building brand awareness, generating leads and driving website traffic.  
